Conference Tracks

Submissions are invited to 7 tracks, as listed below:

Track 1: Sustainable Finance

Trackchair: Dr. Hema Gwalani, SBM-NMIMS Mumbai & Dr. Kousik Guhathakurta, IIM Indore

Objective: To deliberate on the pedagogy to facilitate the relevance of ESG considerations in investment decisions

Tentative Discussion Topics

  1. Embedding ESG in projects
  2. Rules, Guidelines, and Benchmarks
  3. Green bonds, Impact Investing, Microfinance
  4. Corporate Responsibility-transparency and disclosure
  5. Microfinance and Its Role in Sustainable Development
  6. Sustainable Finance Pedagogy
  7. Building Capacities for Sustainable Finance Research
  8. Future Trends in Sustainable Finance

Track 2: Climate Change Education, Technology and Innovation

Trackchair: Dr. Aparna Rao, STME-NMIMS Navi Mumbai & Dr. Himanshu Rathore, IIM Lucknow

Objective: To deliberate on the pedagogy to facilitate the relevance of ESG considerations in investment decisions

Tentative Discussion Topics

  1. Understanding Climate Change-IPCC Framework, Mitigation and Adaptation
  2. National Action Plan on Climate Change
  3. National Mission on Strategic Knowledge for Climate Change
  4. Transformation to Low Carbon Economy (Technology and Innovations towards mitigating climate change, better climate change adaptation and Nature-based solutions)
  5. Circular Economy
  6. Mainstreaming and commercializing climate-smart innovations

Track 3: Sustainable Resource Management, Understanding, Pedagogy and Practice

Trackchair: Dr. Bajarang Kumbhar, SDSOS-NMIMS Mumbai & Dr. Snehal Awate, SJMSOM-IIT Bombay

Objective: To deliberate on knowledge creation and the pedagogy to drive the relevance on the agenda of natural resource management-sustainable utilization of land, water, forests, etc in sustaining the planet and human life.

Tentative Discussion Topics:

  1. Sustainable Energy Production and Consumption: Exploring methods and strategies for producing and consuming energy in a sustainable manner.
  2. Energy and Development: Analyzing the relationship between energy availability, usage, and socio-economic development.
  3. Renewable Energy: Examining the potential and challenges associated with renewable energy sources.
  4. Natural Resource Management: Discussing approaches to effectively manage and conserve natural resources.
  5. Sustainable Materials and Technology: Exploring innovations in materials and technology to promote sustainability.
  6. Sustainable Agriculture: Addressing practices and policies for promoting sustainable agricultural methods.
  7. Community Initiatives in Resource Management: Highlighting the role of community-based initiatives in managing and conserving natural resources.

Track 4: Communicating Sustainability Through Arts and Media

Trackchair: Dr. Brijesh Tripathi, JDSOLA-NMIMS Mumbai & Dr. Manoj Motiani, IIM Indore

Objective: To explore innovative approaches in arts, advertising, and liberal arts education to foster a culture of sustainability and social responsibility.

Tentative Discussion Topics:

  1. Brand Activism and Sustainable Advertising: Examining the role of branding and advertising in shaping consumer awareness and promoting sustainable lifestyles.
  2. Storytelling for Change: Utilizing narratives in liberal arts to drive the sustainability agenda and instigate community action.
  3. Performance as Advocacy: Leveraging the emotional impact of performing arts to communicate the urgency of environmental conservation and social equity.
  4. Cultural Influence on Sustainability: Investigating how cultural expressions and media can influence perceptions and behaviors towards sustainability.
  5. Education for Sustainable Development: Discussing how higher education institutions can incorporate sustainability into their curricula across disciplines to prepare future leaders.
  6. Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Encouraging collaboration between branding, liberal arts, and performing arts to create a multidimensional approach to sustainability education.

Track 5: Cases on Successful Sustainability Projects

Trackchair: Dr. Divakar Kamath, SBM-NMIMS Mumbai & Dr. Shubhabrata Basu, IIM Indore

Objective: To showcase real-world corporate examples of successful contributions towards sustainability through various projects and its integration in HEIs.

Tentative Discussion Topics:

  1. Overview of successful sustainability projects in the corporate sector and their impacts.
  2. Strategies and methodologies adopted by corporations to integrate sustainability into their operations.
  3. Collaboration between HEIs and corporations to promote sustainability in education and research.
  4. Challenges and solutions in implementing sustainability projects in different sectors.
  5. The role of sustainability projects in achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
  6. Case studies on innovative sustainability projects and their outcomes.
  7. Measuring the impact of sustainability projects on the environment and society.
  8. Best practices for embedding sustainability in corporate culture and operations.

Track 6: Sustainability and Social Responsibility in HEIs

Trackchair: Dr. Satish Kajjer, SBM-NMIMS Mumbai & Dr. Ashish Pandey, SJMSOM-IIT Bombay

Objective: To include discussions on how HEIs can contribute to social responsibility and community development through sustainability initiatives. This could include community service projects, local sustainability efforts, and inclusive education practices.

Tentative Discussion Topics:

  1. The role of HEIs in fostering a culture of sustainability and social responsibility within and beyond the campus.
  2. Examples of successful sustainability and social responsibility initiatives undertaken by HEIs.
  3. Integrating sustainability and social responsibility into the curriculum and research activities.
  4. Engaging students in community service projects focused on sustainability.
  5. Building partnerships with local communities, NGOs, and government bodies to enhance the impact of sustainability initiatives.
  6. Challenges faced by HEIs in implementing sustainability and social responsibility programs and strategies to overcome them.
  7. The impact of sustainability and social responsibility initiatives on student learning, community well-being, and institutional reputation.
  8. Innovative approaches to funding and sustaining long-term sustainability and social responsibility projects in HEIs.

Track 7: (Poster Presentations): Sustainability-related projects

Trackchair: Dr. Meena Galliara, SBM-NMIMS Mumbai

Objective: Students and researchers to present their work on sustainability-related projects with the help of posters.

Focus areas within a track are indicative and non-exhaustive. Hence, a submission pertaining to a suitable track is welcome beyond focus areas mentioned above.